The function of your anti-slavery partnership will affect the type of structure that you need.
- If your partnership is mostly for sharing information, a simple network, which meets at regular intervals, may meet your needs.
- If you want to deliver specific pieces of work, working groups or task and finish groups can help to explore an issue in detail. Hampshire Modern Slavery Partnership had groups working in this way.
- Some areas, such as South West England, have a strategic regional partnership, which helps to coordinate work on a regional basis and share information and good practice across borders.
- Ongoing operational work may require sub-groups, as in the model adopted by Hertfordshire.
- Co-location of members of a modern slavery team, as in Greater Manchester, can help with integrating service delivery.
- To involve members of the community, voluntary sector and / or businesses, you might consider different ways to engage. For instance, Nottingham has a Modern Slavery Voluntary and Community Sector Forum, which meets quarterly.
This page gives you some examples of these different types of partnership structure.
Slavery Free Community Pledge
Hertfordshire Modern Slavery Partnership Governance Structure
Hampshire MSP Partnership Structure

South West Region Anti-Slavery Partnership